
Here at Bethel Church we believe that God has called us to be people who are extraordinarily generous. Thank you for joining us in the pursuit of obedience to God and to help bless & reach our city. Below are some different ways you can give.

Online Giving

Giving Online is made simple by using a credit card. All transactions are secure and confidential.

NOTE: Our payment processor Stripe charges non-profits the following rates which are deducted from your online donation before the funds are transferred to Bethel Church:
• 2.2% + 30 cents for CAD Visa/MC transactions are made with Canadian Credit & Debit Cards
• 2.7% + 30 cents for CAD Visa/ MC transactions made with Int’l Credit Cards
give app

If you are an on the go person, and tend to use apps on your smartphone, then the Church Center App is a great tool for you to give. All you need to do is search “Church Centre” in iTunes or Google Play App Stores and download it for free. From there it will prompt you to search for a church you’d like to give to: just search “Bethel Church Stratford” (you’ll see our B logo). Next all you’ll need to do is put in your information and payment method and choose where you’d like to give. It’s that simple!

Download app

Preauthorized Giving

Pre-Authorized is a great way to give your tithes & offerings. At Bethel you have the option to give weekly or monthly. If you choose Monthly, your fixed amount will be deducted on the first business day of that month. If you choose weekly, your fixed amount will be deducted each Wednesday of the week.

You can get the Pre-Authorized Giving from the Church during office hours, or download it below.
Please return it to the Church Office or Email it to [email protected]

Download Form

cash, cheque & debit

During Sunday morning services we take a few minutes to take up tithes and offerings where you can give by cash and cheque. You can also give this way any time during the week’s office hours.

Cheques can be mailed to:
Bethel Church
RR4, 2988 Ontario St
Stratford, ON N5A 6S5

Interac eTransfer

If you use Online Banking, this method of giving is a great option for you. You can give any amount at any time to Bethel. All you need to do is send the e-transfer to [email protected]

Donation receipts

Donations are tax deductable. All eligible donations for a calendar year will be receipted by the end of February of the following year.
Questions? Contact
Lorraine Nolan
Finance Administrator
[email protected]

Needs Request

Disclaimer: Bethel volunteers will do their best to meet your need as long as a volunteer is available. Please note that these requests are not intended to meet long-term needs but to provide some temporary relief. Should you need something more permanent, please reach out to the pastoral staff. For more information contact: Cheryl Farello at [email protected]

If selected, the need will be only shared with Bethel Pastors and the volunteer(s) with the appropriate skill set.
Select the Need(Required)

A Bethel volunteer will contact you to collect additional information. Thank you for your patience as we match your request with the appropriate volunteer.

Prayer Request

Would you like a pastor to call and pray with you?(Required)
Would you like this request shared with the prayer team?(Required)

Connect Card

Your Family Member Names
I'd like to connect with the following campus(Required)
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